Thursday, July 24, 2014

Flying the Royal Rainmaking Technology Operations

Flying the Royal Rainmaking
Technology Operations:

Cloud Seeding is absolutely an art
because it's the real art of scientific flying. !

"It is like cloud watching and cloud riding. It is enjoyable and exhilarating. Anyone who is flying the weather modification should able to comprehend the nature, environments, weather, the clouds, cloud physics, some of chemistry, as well as the real flying."

"When the day is fresh, bright, shine, very dry and crispy, nice and cool with clear blue sky it's a good day for most people to enjoy all outdoor activities. But it's absolutely a bad day for all rainmakers especially when more rain water is much needed." ?!!!   We actually love hot sun, warm, and humid days, unstable air, convergence of wind, with a lot of scattered convective clouds all around as well as those with high altitude super-cooled tops."
yes, read why ............... .. !    Thank you,



The methods of weather modification, by the use of different techniques of ground and airborne operations with various kinds of small amounts of non-toxic agents or substances dispensing them into the atmosphere in order to modify weather, have long been known and is continuously being applied and carried out in numerous places around the world to improve weather conditions in which each operation yields intended result at some certain levels  in areas larger than microscale up to possibly near medium mesoscale or less. Some techniques are also well documented and patented.

The objectives shared are to assess, evaluate and to be more certain of what we do and know presently and to learn more of new things for newer assumptions and hypothesis regarding atmospheric science and to spend more effort to increase more fresh water resources, as there are even more huge demands nowadays, by means of weather modifications to increase snow-fall, rain-fall, and also to possibly stop or mitigate destructive adverse weather conditions of fog, haze, smoke, dust, hail, rain and other severe storms in some circumstances and cases. All methods are certainly invented for greater benefit of all mankind in general.


Flight Operations on Royal Rainmaking Technology

Under patented Royal Rainmaking Technology there are six summarized techniques which can be described as follows:
Long Live His Majesty King Bhumibol
 HM King Bhumibol's simplified schematic drawing of his
Royal Rainmaking Technology

STEP 1 :  Triggering - Upsetting

In general when the average RH is over 60 percent from ground up to about 15,000 feet MSL then cloud seeding would be done by air spraying-dispensing flying at approximately 5,000 – 8,000 feet of the altitude near lifted condensation level and convective condensation level releasing, calculated certain amount of about 1,000 kilograms – the more the better, of hygroscopic endothermic substance of sodium chloride in form of fine and dry powdered sea salt, of 30 microns up, the Formula 1, 25-30 nm track-miles normally perpendicular straight line to the wind and upwind is flown, at calculated distance from intended target - catchment, where there are good heat from the sun as well as good natural soaring and existing strati-form clouds if there are any that have already formed up.

The whole process is to allow F1 rain-making substance to absorb more water vapors and to act as more CCN cloud condensation nuclei(s), or the building blocks of cloud, in the atmosphere.

STEP 2 :  Triggering through Fattening

This is the process which normally happens approximately around 30 minutes or more after the first step of triggering when RH in the air is still high and the heat from the sun gets stronger resulting in good formation through development of the clouds. The rain-making substances used are calcium chloride – Formula 6 or calcium oxide – Formula 8 which are both hygroscopic exothermic substances.

Again these substances of about 1,000 kilograms or more are grounded into fine powder of 30 microns up and must be completely dry. The air dispensing are done at about 7,000 – 10,000  feet  a few nm downwind in a parallel flight path to the first track flown in STEP 1 and also in close proximity according to location of some existing stratocumulus clouds, if any, that should have formed up.

The process is to make the clouds develop upward as good rain clouds powered by the substances in addition to the clouds’ own latent heat according to the theory of science of cloud physics and atmospheric modification.

STEP 3 :  Sandwich Fattening through the Sandwich Attacking:

Now by the use of more Formula 1 Sodium Chloride as well as Urea the hygroscopic endothermic substance the Formula 4 both grounded to 30 microns up and in form of dry powdered substances spraying simultaneously into the Cumulus and Cumulonimbus clouds the clouds would then develop well more intensified to become larger Cumulonimbus clouds with even higher top. The flight path to be flown would be at about 10,000 feet for the first leading aircraft dispensing Formula 1 in close proximity to the clouds near their tops, upwind, and around - along them.

The number 2 aircraft flying at about 45 degrees under keeping behind and below following the lead using altitude approximately 7,000 feet dispensing Formula 4 simultaneously in close proximity to the clouds just near and above their bases the clouds would then, the same way, develop well more to become wider Cumulonimbus clouds with more larger, intensified, and darker bases.

This is the process of what is called rain cloud development enhancement for precipitation increment by adding more fuel of rain elements to the clouds.

STEP 4 :  Post Step 3 Attacking:

One or both aircrafts carry Formula 3 of frozen carbon dioxide the dry ice that is well crushed into very small minuscule chipped-flakes for the amount of about 1,000 kilograms or more is used to attack the rain clouds to enhance the precipitation and to also make the clouds yield rain over decided rain target and water catchment areas.

This extremely super cold agent would trig the condensation of intensified cumulonimbus clouds by anticipating in decreasing the atmospheric temperature to well below the clouds’ dew point as well as sinking their bases as the air-mass becomes much cooler and dramatically shrinks or compressed. The flight path would be underneath according to where intensified dark rain clouds are presenting.

The altitude used is about not less than 500 feet down to not more than 1,000 feet below cloud bases underneath them. If the turbulence is too strong then the flight path may be diverted to be around and along the cloud bases’ sides but should still be in near proximity with the same limitation of distances.

Step 5 :  Separated Operation on Super Cooled Clouds

This is the step that pressurized aircraft is used to do the job. The aircraft is equipped with apparatus for super cooled cloud rain enhancement operation. Besides laden computer on board and its external probes, the silver iodide flare guns are installed at aircraft’s wings.

When there is a presence of large cumulonimbus rain cloud with its top approximately higher than, in general above freezing level, 21,500 feet. The aircraft is flown into very top part of the cloud to measure and obtain data such as up draft inside top half section of the cloud which should be about 1,000 feet per minute as well as temperature which should be at least between minus 8’ c. and minus 12’ c. and with the presence of super cooled water vapor droplets of at least 1 gram per cubic meter.

When the parameter is correct then silver iodide flare would be shot right into the cloud about its top part to increase rainfalls as ice forms up inside the cloud and finally melts at warmer temperature of lower altitudes than freezing level even more dramatically.

The operation if done at early time before the cloud develop into perfect cumulonimbus thunder storm is as well called “over seeding” which is also known as weather damage mitigation technique of weather modification.

STEP 6 :  The Mobilized Super Sandwich Operation

The technique is the operation involved at least three aircrafts engaging step 3 and step 5 at the same time. With the presence of very large cumulonimbus rain cloud three aircrafts fly simultaneously to feed more rain element fuels of different rain making substances into the cloud. This is the operation that could enhance rainfalls very successfully and enormously.

Another aircraft can also commence step 4 alone in the same time or in replacement of chipped-flakes dry ice - the frozen carbon-dioxide substance by instead using two kinds of rain making substances in mixture for example, powdered sea salt or grounded Urea in a mixing with chipped-flakes dry ice.

In this case the flight path flown would be in the same manner as the number 2 aircraft in step 3 flying under and behind the lead at higher level while the most top aircraft working above freezing level of the cloud using silver iodide flares in step 5.

Other Techniques :

There could be a lot of chances for orographic clouds to form up over the mountainous ranges when weather modification for rain-making operation is done in such a kind of topography. In this case the task would be aimed to upset or trigger the equilibrium or stability of the air mass right above the top of those clouds to make them develop more upward to eventually become rain clouds. Rain-making substances used would be both hygroscopic endothermic of F4 the Urea, as well as hygroscopic exothermic of F6 the Calcium Chloride or F8 the Calcium Oxide substance in which the first and the two latter kinds when absorb humidity they would cool off and heat up the atmosphere respectively along the zigzagging flight path. Aircrafts engaging in the operation, the number 2 following behind can also fly up and down and around the rain-making substance contrail cutting across but keeping clear of dust from the first leading aircraft.


Here are some of the flying actions. Heads in the clouds!! Click to view and learn something!


Specimens of maps of Royal Rainmaking Technology
flight operational tracks:

Sample map of seeding tracks in The Kingdom of Thailand assuming Royal Rainmaking operation is carried out  for "King Bhumibol" reservoir catchment target: just "CLICK"

Sample map of seeding tracks in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan assuming Royal Rainmaking operation is carried out for "King Talal" reservoir catchment: just "CLICK"

(If link(s) provided above are inactive and not shown up it may be that they are being updated at the moment, in this case we're sorry for inconvenience. And in case further information is specifically or urgently needed please contact:
Thank you,)


Specimen of planning and operations:

Specimen: of Royal Rainmaking Technology operations described in the overall planning and operations assuming that it would be carried out in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, "CLICK".
(If link provided above is inactive and not shown up it may be that it is being updated at the moment, in this case we're sorry for inconvenience. And in case further information is specifically or urgently needed please contact:
Thank you,)


Aircraft Modification for warm cloud seeding: Here is an example of a most practical and simple design of seeding funnel on one of the most versatile and maneuverable aircrafts the C-208 with satisfactory cost effectiveness and efficiency to the weather modification tasks.  "CLICK"
(If link provided above is inactive and not shown up it may be that it is being updated at the moment, in this case we're sorry for inconvenience. And in case further information is specifically or urgently needed please contact:
Thank you,)

For any approved organization : Also that if different types of aircrafts are to be used then a recommended team consists of pilots, aeronautical engineers, as well as aircraft mechanics, etc., through repair station and work shop - personnel could certainly make any suitably workable design needed for the jobs to appropriately fit any type of aircraft under the same concept.


(All articles and Techniques Architected are copyrighted @ 2013
under intellectual property right laws.)
Author Captain M.L.Chititewan Devakul ,

( " A Must Read " )


Related sample short clips via Youtube links on aircrafts engaged in some warm cloud weather modifications of Royal Rainmaking Technology Operations.
1)   Air spraying in the Pilatus Porter PC-6

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